Knead Wellness is committed to providing our patients with the highest level of physiotherapy support and care. Knead Wellness is the best answer to the knee braces near me question. To ensure our patients experience a successful recovery from their injury or chronic pain, we offer a large selection of comfortable and adequate physiotherapy supplies. We offer one of the largest selections of therapy supplies in Toronto that are designed to enhance recovery and assist in quickening your recovery.

Our team of friendly and knowledgeable physiotherapists will teach you how to use your medical and therapy supplies so that you increase the effectiveness of your rehabilitation.

Custom Knee Braces and Resting Hand Splints Benefits

Our medical supplies are designed to be easily used with in-house physiotherapy to allow you to continue your recovery and rehabilitation from home. Our full range of products ensures that no matter what kind of injury you are treating, you can have access to the latest in physiotherapy treatment solutions.

Our products are suitable for the rehabilitation of all our patients including:

  • Sports Injury
  • Repetitive stress disorders
  • Treatment of chronic health issues
  • Long term or newly acquired injuries or mobility issues

We always ensure the products you need are in stock so you never have to worry about compromising your care or recovery. Our products include athletic tapes, hot and cold therapy solutions, resistance and exercise supports, acupuncture supplies, and topical lotions.

Our team of expert physiotherapists will help you access the medical supplies you need to successfully continue your rehabilitation journey.

Custom Bracing North York

Braces are one of the most successful treatments for injuries and mobility issues. Knead Wellness carries a full of custom bracing including wrist, elbow, knee, and ankle braces. Our braces are custom-fitted to your body so you experience the right fit and tension to ensure complete comfort and support. We take all the necessary measurements to guarantee the right fit and work with you to help you adapt and develop improved mobility.

Custom Resting Hand Splints North York

You may notice pain in your wrist or hand if you spend a lot of time doing repetitive work such as typing or manufacturing. You may also require a hand splint if you suffer from issues such as tendonitis, carpal tunnel, or arthritis. Custom hand splints can help alleviate the pain and inflammation caused by repetitive tasks. Our hand splints are custom fabricated and measured to fit your hand and wrist properly so you can enjoy effective relief and get back to work.

Custom Orthotics

Your feet take you where you want to go. That’s why it’s important to seek help if you are experiencing pain or discomfort. Custom orthotics are an effective and affordable way to reduce pain and increase mobility. They are effective for the treatment of foot pain, heel pain, shin splints, and back pain. Our orthotics experts will do a comprehensive assessment of your foot and then create a custom orthotic support that will reduce pain and realign your body.

Therapy Supplies

Knead Wellness carries a large selection of therapy supplies designed for the occasion or ongoing support of your injury or medical condition. Our physiotherapists can provide you with in-home exercises or support options that will continue to accelerate your recovery by utilizing therapy supplies that are easy to use and effective.

Knead Wellness is the trusted source for therapy supplies in Toronto. Looking for knee braces near you? Contact us today to learn how to add therapy supplies to your recovery and rehabilitation success.